Charities We Support

At Heather’s Houses, we believe in giving back to our community and making a positive difference in ways big and small.
That’s why we are committed to supporting local nonprofits and charities that focus on providing food, shelter, and rehabilitation services to those in need. Partnering with local nonprofits puts our Team’s talents to work for the greater good. We’ve established a tradition of annual charitable giving and volunteering for worthy causes.
Being of service is at the heart of what we do. We enjoy supporting our favorite charities, whether participating together to pick fruit, pack bags or design and furnish spaces for less fortunate local families. Working together, we are thankful for the opportunity to serve our clients and community.

Charities We Support
Acres of Hope – A Bridge to the Future
Acres of Hope is a spiritually-based renewal center that provides a safe family environment and a healthy living program for women with children. Our balanced approach sets the foundation of change and breaks the cycle of homelessness.
The Salvation Army
The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.
Sacramento Loaves & Fishes
As the largest homeless service provider in Sacramento, Loaves & Fishes is a 501(c)(3), charitable, non-profit organization dedicated to providing warm meals, essential survival supplies and services for nearly 1,000 adults and children daily. To keep our services barrier-free, we do not solicit or accept government funds and are supported instead, by the investment of individual and private donations from the greater Sacramento community. In the spirit of radical hospitality modeled after activist and leader of the Catholic Worker Movement, Dorothy Day, we refer to people seeking our services as “guests” creating a space of welcome, respite, and belonging.
The PCAR Foundation – Charitable Giving and Scholarships
The PCAR Foundation supports our Placer County community with educational scholarships and charitable support. Learn more about our work here.
Auburn Interfaith Food Closet
The success of the Auburn Interfaith Food Closet is due in large part to numerous, local faith-based communities. Most of our over 200 volunteers come to us through these organizations. We invite your faith-based community to become an Auburn Food Closet sponsor, volunteer, or donator.